Thursday 26 October 2017

A New Face in the Pulpit!

In recent months Karen Johnson and her husband have started worshipping regularly at St Paul’s. Karen has already been licensed as a Reader when she was in her previous parish. We are hoping that Karen will be able to continue her ministry in St Paul’s, and Sunday 22 October was her first sermon, here. However, before preaching she was interviewed by Colin Chettle and she told us of her life (she is a teacher) and her development in faith.

She also talked to the children before they went out to Supertroopers (the Sunday school). She dressed up one of the young people with multiple baggages and used other people to make a gateway (the eye of the needle). She showed how all these encumbrances (“things”) could stop one passing through. This was also true as one approached Christ – things will get in the way   

At the end of the month we reach the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther proclaiming his ninety-five theses. Karen spoke to us from the book of Romans highlighting his teaching, on the way that salvation is a gift of God, that we cannot earn – but just have to be willing to accept by faith.

We look forward to Karen continuing her ministry among us.