Wednesday 7 September 2016

Thought for the fortnight from Bishop Martyn

Image result for leicester diocese shaped by god
“the twelve asked him about the parables” Mark 4:10

True Christians are committed to learning from Jesus. And one of the best ways to learn is to ask questions.
I love it when my children ply me with questions. Like all children they are naturally inquisitive about everything – when they see something new or there is something they don’t understand, they blurt out a question.

The first disciples – the twelve – often did the same. Sometimes they were ridiculous questions, like James and John asking to sit on his left and right in glory. Sometimes they were inspired questions: “who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” Sometimes they showed a woeful lack of understanding. But always they were indicative of a life committed to learning from Jesus.

When we ask questions, we can expect to be shaped by God. My aim is to remain inquisitive until the day I die.
Bishop of Leicester