Sunday 1 September 2013

Farewell Sue!

Since her arrival in Leicester 12 years ago, Sue Boyden has worshipped with us at St Paul’s. She has helped in very many roles in our church, but in particular, she has taken responsibility for the organisation of the Thursday morning Communion Service. She has also been one of the organising team for the “Coffee Pot” time of refreshments and friendship which follows the service. Last Thursday, we took the opportunity at the “Coffee Pot” service to formally say goodbye. But in the Sunday Morning service today, Steve gave her a book of daily readings on behalf of the congregation and wished her well.

Now she is moving to Bristol in the very near future. Sue will be very much missed, here, but we wish her well in all the details of her move and as she moves into a new circle of friendships and Church Community.

It has been lovely to have you with us. Thank you for your friendship. May God be with you ‘til we meet again.