Sunday 7 October 2012

The Blind See

The Guardian Newspaper is running an International Development Achievement Award. Today is the last day to vote to support any of the five individuals whose lives have been committed to different aspects of development in the Third World. All tell stories of incredible commitment.

However, one of them is special for St Paul's, as Dr Keith Waddell has had a long-standing link with our church. He lives near the church and worships with us when he is not in Uganda, continuing his life's work of bringing eyecare to every corner of that country. Although now over 70, he goes on with that task – and indeed, is extending it into many neighbouring countries as well. He has built a programme that trains specialists and medical officers to continue the work of enabling the blind to see, even when he is not there. It has been a privilege to support the work in a small way.

Whether Keith wins this award or not, he can be sure of God's final words: "Well done, good and faithful servant."