Monday 2 April 2012

Run-up to Easter!

With this last Sunday being Palm Sunday, we are now into Holy Week when we remember the events that led up to Christ's death on the Friday, by which he forgave our sin, and Easter Day when God the Father raised Jesus from the dead, showing that the events on Good Friday were his will.

So there is a lot on this week:

On 4 April Lent Course 2012
The final session of our Lent course, considering the baptism promises, is "Do you submit to Christ as Lord?" with the response "I submit to Christ." It will take place at 2.00pm, repeated at 7.30pm, in the Barnabas Centre.

On 5 April (Maundy Thursday) we remember how Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper to commemorate his death as he celebrated the Passover with his disciples.
At 9.45am we have our regular "Coffee Pot" Holy Communion.
At 7.30pm we have a special service of Holy Communion to remember that first supper

On 6 April (Good Friday) we remember Christ's crucifixion as a sacrifice for our sin.
At 9.30am we join Churches Together in Oadby for a service at the Baptist Church.
At 10.30am - 12.00 noon many of us will be joining the Christ in the Centre reenactment of Christ's final hours, in Humberstone Gate in Leicester City Centre.
At 2.00pm there is a Meditation at St. Peter’s.
At 7.30pm we will be having our own Service of Meditation at St. Paul’s with music and readings.

On 8 April, Easter Day, we look forward to the joy of the Family Communion as we celebrate the presence of the risen Christ among us.

So, we have many special services during this very special week. I do hope that you will be able to join us at several of them as together we remember Christ's conquest over the powers of death and his gift of life to us.