Saturday 22 March 2008

Foyer display improvements

The keen-eyed will have noticed that we've improved the lighting in the church foyer. In last year's refurbishment we replaced the ineffective downlights with more efficient fittings.

The only lighting that remained unchanged in the foyer was the spotlights for the display. The display board is a key feature - though there are few passers-by on our quiet suburban street, we make the most of the foyer as an attractive 'shop window'. Anona does a fabulous job of making  it eye-caching and inspiring.

A couple of weeks ago our electrician fitted two new spotlights and rid us of the rather grim track. But the real improvement came with the new timer switch that lights the display board automatically from 7am until midnight. So the foyer no longer sits in darkness.
We also gain in energy efficiency - the new bulbs consume less than a tenth of the electricity than the old spotlights, which means that the total cost of the lighting is less than a pound a month.