Friday 23 November 2007

New ministries begin in Oadby

I met with two new ministers in Oadby this morning. The first is well-known to the community at St Paul's. Revd Mark Battison will be joining the parish team as a Minister in Secular Employment with a specific interest in working with the business community. Mark's licensing will be at St Peter's Church this Sunday, 25 November, at 6.30pm and the Archdeacon of Leicester will conduct the service.

As Mark left my study this morning we welcomed Fr Denis Hough, who joined the RC Church of the Immaculate Conception as priest two weeks ago. Fr Denis comes to the East Midlands from Altrincham, Cheshire, and we look forward to working in partnership in the coming years through Churches Together in Oadby.

It's a time of change for the public ministers of Oadby, as the Oadby Baptist Church continues its search for a new minister, who we hope will be appointed in the coming months.